Winter Blues

Winter Blues

January 23, 20245 min read

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” - Aristotle

This is a 4-part series that was originally posted on LinkedIn. I am from Canada and many Canadians have trouble during the winter months. It has been dubbed the "January Blues". Here are some tips to stay happy and motivated during this time.

-Igor Ristevski

Seasonal Affective Disorder


It's January in Canada and due to our cold weather, many people may be experiencing the "January Blues". The January Blues are when people feel sad or unmotivated due to the dreary weather and/or the end of the holidays.

One common complaint about January in Canada is that it is too dark outside and there isn't enough sun. A lack of sunlight can affect your mood so what can you do about it?

You may want to start taking Vitamin D supplements to offset the lack of sunlight but be sure to check with your doctor first before doing so. Increasing your Vitamin D intake may increase your mood.

Another thing you can do is also purchase a light therapy lamp. If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, you may find this helpful.

Here are a few things to remember before you purchase a light therapy lamp:

→ it should provide a minimum of 10,000 lux of brightness

→ it should be UV-free

→ you should be able to budget about 30 minutes in the morning to use it to increase its effectiveness

Lastly, try to go for a walk when the sun is out. Light therapy lamps and supplements, while helpful, are not a substitute for real sunlight.

Have a bright and wonderful day. 🌞

It's Cold

cold winter

It's January. You may have the January Blues. And if you live in a northern climate, it's likely cold.

The cold affects us in different ways. If you are cold, you may be uncomfortable, you may be cranky, or you may be unmotivated.

And yes, gender can be a factor. From my experience, on average, women are more sensitive to the cold than men. January could be an extra difficult month for women because of this. Personally, I love the cold but I'm weird.

For those of you who are not fans of cold weather, you may be longing for a warm vacation right now.

Hey, if you can do it, book it!

It might do you a world of good to get some sun.

Truthfully, we are not all that lucky. However, you can still enjoy the cold outdoors if you prepare yourself.

Dress appropriately.

Think beyond the winter jacket, tuque, and gloves. Look into heated clothing such as electric vests, gloves, and socks.

Drink hot fluids.

Bring a thermos full of coffee or tea with you when you go out on your walk or take a break and stop by a coffee shop and grab a hot drink inside.

Know your limits.

If it is too cold for you outside, stay in. Simple as that. Perhaps it won't be so cold the next day. Just don't use it as an excuse to stay inside for the entire month of January.

Going outside, being active, and getting sunlight is very important during the winter months if you want to boost your mood and motivation.

Think of the cold as a physical challenge rather than a roadblock.

Hang Out


During January, you may feel a little lonely. This can be another side effect of the January Blues.

In Canada, many people spend their time indoors around this time.

Why is this?

In colder climates, you will typically see fewer people outside due to the windchill or snow. Not only is it cold but it can be quite dangerous to drive if you have to worry about black ice or heavy snowfall.

It also gets darker earlier in January. When that happens, people who do decide to go outside will get home sooner to avoid the dark.

The lack of people outside can contribute to your feeling of loneliness.

This is a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and family members you may have not seen in a while. A text or call is nice but meeting in person, whether indoors or outdoors, is much better.

Meeting face-to-face may alleviate the loneliness someone may be feeling right now and perhaps your own.

Worth a try?

Treat Yourself


How can you defeat the January Blues once and for all?

Treat yourself.

As cliché as it may sound, it's true.

Depending on your means and ability there are many low-cost options you can consider:

→ get a massage

→ weekend vacation

→ buy new clothes

→ eat at your favourite restaurant

→ attend a hockey or basketball game

Going for a massage is a great stress reliever and feeling pampered for a half hour to an hour can be quite energizing if your energy levels and motivation are low this month.

If you are unable to go on a vacation to a hot climate, a simple change of scenery could be beneficial for you even if it is for a short while such as a weekend. I am a big fan of weekend vacations because there is not a lot of planning involved and you can still do many fun things.

Shopping therapy is not something to be scoffed at. Buying clothes that compliment your appearance can boost your self-esteem if you are feeling down.

Who doesn't love good food? I suggest going to your favourite restaurant so you know you won't be disappointed by the quality of the food. Don't forget the dessert!

Lastly, if you are a sports fan, you can attend hockey and basketball games in Canada during January if you wish. Even if you aren't a huge fan of either sport, you can still have fun and meet new people.

Depending on your preferences and tastes, most of these options are between $100 to $300 (CAD) per person in Canada.

Let's say you were on a tight budget. Which one would you choose?

What stuck out for you from this series? What will you take with you? I'd love to hear your insights, so please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM by clicking here.

-Igor Ristevski

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Igor Ristevski

Igor Ristevski is a certified coach and leadership trainer. He helps leaders become better and receive greater satisfaction in their professional and personal lives.

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